We Provide diabetes services to individuals with diabetes or individuals and professionals with interest in diabetes care.
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support
We provide high quality individualized (one-on-one) diabetes self-management training based on your assessed needs and choice. We also provide Group Classes. Clients participating in our group classes also meet one-on-one with the nurse practitioner/diabetes educator for an initial consultation and assessment. The assessment helps us better understand your needs. The comprehensive (full class) consists of four (2 hours each) sessions.
What you will learn
- General information about diabetes, and blood glucose (blood sugar) control
- Healthy Eating, meal planning, Carbohydrate counting, Food Exchange
- Physical activity
- How to take your medications and insulin (if needed) properly
- Blood glucose monitoring and how to use the information to improve your diabetes
- How to recognize complications like low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and how to prevent or manage them
- How to prevent long term complications
- Coping with diabetes
- We also provide ongoing telephonic support to help you manage your disease.
Nutrition Counseling and Medical Nutrition Therapy
Nutrition has been known to influence medical conditions like diabetes and kidney disease. Medical nutrition therapy helps in management of specific disease conditions.
What to expect
- Initial assessment which helps identify your unique needs including medical conditions,
- Individualized treatment/intervention based on your needs
- Monitoring and evaluation of your progress
Diabetes Care Management
Diabetes is a lifelong disease that can be controlled with good management. We partner with individuals on agreed time intervals to help you manage your condition.
What to expect
- InitIal comprehensive assessment to identify diabetes related needs and risk for complications.
- Collaborative care plan based on assessment, needs and goal
- periodic one-on-one contact to provide self-management education, re-inforcement and support.
- Scheduled reassessment and evaluation of of condition and outcome
- Serving as liaison between you and your healthcare providers , providing required referral to improve care.
Chronic Kidney Disease Education
Chronic kidney disease education is a six (1 hour each) classes that was designed by the National Kidney Foundation. The classes are for individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Stage four.
The classes provide you with information to help you make informed-decision about your health.
The classes provide you with information to help you make informed-decision about your health.
What you will learn
- Chronic kidney disease and how it affects your body
- Available treatment choices for kidney failure
- Kidney transplant
- Hemodialysis
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Your choice to have no treatment
- What you can do to live with kidney disease
- Classes are provided by a nurse practitioner who is also a certified diabetes educator with years of experience working with individuals on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis and individuals with kidney transplant.
Weight Management
We understand that each person is unique and that "one size does not fit all".
What to expect
- Initial assessment, including diet, activity, goal
- Intervention to address behavior change, dietary change, physical activity and ongoing support
- Periodic monitoring, evaluation